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发布时间: 2021-06-28 04:46:15      来源:



2019年11月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --即将在费城举办的2019年美国心脏协会会议上,来自美国的研究人员将会报告其最新的研究成果,一个人抑郁的严重程度或会增加其罹患心脏病或中风的风险。图

2019年11月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --即将在费城举办的2019年美国心脏协会会议上,来自美国的研究人员将会报告其最新的研究成果,一个人抑郁的严重程度或会增加其罹患心脏病或中风的风险。

图片来源:CC0 Public Domain

研究者Yosef M. Khan博士表示,机体心血管健康常常受到多种因素的影响,而且其也与多个健康方面息息相关,包括心理健康等。我们发现,抑郁的水平与心脏病和中风风险存在强相关性,即使考虑了影响疾病风险的其它因素后依然如此,包括美国心脏协会的理想心血管健康指南、年龄、收入、教育程度、性别和种族等。




Strong link found between level of depression and heart disease, stroke

The severity of a person's depression may increase their odds of having heart disease or stroke, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2019—November 16-18 in Philadelphia.

"Cardiovascular diseases are impacted by and related to a variety of aspects of health and well-being including mental health," said study author Yosef M. Khan, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., national director of Health Informatics and Analytics for the American Heart Association in Dallas, Texas. "We found that the level of depression was strongly tied to living with heart disease and stroke, even after accounting for other factors that could impact risk, including the American Heart Association's Life's Simple 7 and variables of age, income, education, sex and race/ethnicity."......


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