英国爱丁堡大学的心理学家Martin Pickering与格拉斯哥大学的心理学家Simon Garrod均称,这种大脑的重叠能使人们在谈话中建立一个共同点,甚至能帮助他们判断对方接下来要说的话。研究人员认为,所谓的镜像神经元在这些大脑反应中起到了一定的作用。
为了验证这些假设,一个由美国普林斯顿大学心理学家Uri Hasson领导的研究小组采用磁共振成像(MRI)技术对交谈双方的大脑活动进行记录对比。参与研究的Lauren Silbert套上MRI设备的检测装置,并在15分钟里随意讲述她在高中遇到的各种惊险的事情。研究小组采用一种特殊设计的、可以过滤掉来自MRI设备杂音的麦克风记录下Silbert讲述的内容,并将其播放给11个受试者听,同时记录他们大脑的活动信息。
芬兰阿尔托大学理工学院的神经学家Riitta Hari称这是一次“突破性”的研究,“这为我们展示了,在一次愉快对话中,双方大脑的交流联系是多么的紧密”,“听众不再只是被动地接受信息,而是主动地参与到对话中”。 Pickering认为,该研究成果是“意义重大,新颖的”,“强有力地证明了‘神经耦合’在沟通交流中所起到的重要作用”。
但来自美国南加州大学的神经学家Michael Arbib认为,如果研究小组记录下实时交流双方的大脑活动并得出此结论,那样会更令人信服。对此,Hasson表示那是他们下一步实验要做的,“我们正在研究一种方案,能让我们通过两台扫描仪同时记录下谈话者双方的大脑活动情况”(张笑/编译)。(生物谷Bioon.com)
PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1008662107
Speaker–listener neural coupling underlies successful communication
Greg J. Stephens, Lauren J. Silbert, and Uri Hasson
aJoseph Henry Laboratories of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544;
bLewis–Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544;
cNeuroscience Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544; and
dDepartment of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540
Verbal communication is a joint activity; however, speech production and comprehension have primarily been analyzed as independent processes within the boundaries of individual brains. Here, we applied fMRI to record brain activity from both speakers and listeners during natural verbal communication. We used the speaker's spatiotemporal brain activity to model listeners’ brain activity and found that the speaker's activity is spatially and temporally coupled with the listener's activity. This coupling vanishes when participants fail to communicate. Moreover, though on average the listener's brain activity mirrors the speaker's activity with a delay, we also find areas that exhibit predictive anticipatory responses. We connected the extent of neural coupling to a quantitative measure of story comprehension and find that the greater the anticipatory speaker–listener coupling, the greater the understanding. We argue that the observed alignment of production- and comprehension-based processes serves as a mechanism by which brains convey information.